Today is a new day in a crazy world. COVID-19 hit us early in the year of 2020.
We returned from a week vacation to Las Cobas with Pats Auto Supply on February 15, and did not have to self-isolate but the next week those who returned had to isolate
for 14 days, even with no symptoms. So for the next several months it was clear the pandemic was going to get worse before it got better.
The end of July I stopped working at MacKenzie Place and went to 5 South for a Thursday and Friday rotation.
The change was good and I enjoyed the position until Oct 30 when there was a full time SW'er hired full time and the census was quite low over the month so the position I was filling was no longer needed. I could stay and do education updates and new
learning and was not assured of many shifts in the future. So I made the decision to walk away and start my own support work program.